Technical and Product Support

Professional help with product testing and qualification

Your association can help test, qualify and  even identify ways of improving the performance of your products by putting you in touch with professional engineers we know and trust. For example:

Objective Testing

Multiply testing solutions to meet all client company requirements

Subjective Testing

Fourteen and handing attributes for wet, dry and winter conditions

Achieving Better Results

Our ITMA recommended engineer and highly experienced team work with companies uch as Bentley, VW, BMW, Ford and PSA helping individual ITMA members to achieve the approvals they need to advance their businesses.

Add to this the fact that our recommended engineer uses some of the best equipment and software in the business coupled with clear, easy to understand report writing and product development advice and you will soon see real enchancements in the way your products perform and gain greater market recognition.

Cost Effectiveness

We know that product testing can be very expensive especially for those companies who do not have personnel on the groud in Europe. Our aim is to guide ITMA members toward the most cost effective and beneficial ways of qualifing and preparing products for European markets.