ITMA latest news

Tyres and Road Safety – some joined up thinking at last

May 15th, 2015

Finally our friends in Brussels have started to take the bigger view on issues of tyres and road safety.

Late last year the Commission published a report which at last adopted a more synergistic approach to this subject. We in Europe already have the lightest product performance standards in the world but these alone will never achieve our road safety goals if not made part of a much broader approach.

This study on tyres and road safety came up with a number of proposed actions and policies in order of cost effectiveness. This is just a section:

  •  More effort, campaigning and enforcement of current tread depth legislation
  • Better tyre inflation pressure maintenance
  • Quicker detection TPMS systems.
  • A 4mm minimum tread depth for winter tyres.

Harmonise the current tread depth for truck tyres with that for car.These are all sensible and constructive ideas and ITMA welcomes them, now let us hope for some action in making them happen.

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